Thomas Leeper

El Lago del Bosque

Camp Minne-Wa-Kan

Route 2, Box 143

Cass Lake, MN  56633


Greetings Thomas:


How's the Spanish going? 







Greetings Thomas:


It’s overcast and cloudy here today.  Supposedly it will be sunnier and cooler later on.  Sometime in the next ten days or so I need some 80 – 85 degree weather so that I can extract my honey from North Branch.  Do you think that you guys will be able to sell much more honey @ the farmer’s market?  I hope so!!


Tuesday A.M. I am going to work.  I’m on a committee called the Ryan Foundation which gives away about $100,000 per year. We sit around a table eating bagels and rolls and talking about what we consider to be good worthwhile organizations to donate to.  I’ve really enjoyed that process.


So your career choices are something related to birds and/or something related to computers.  We’ll have to talk a bit more about that.  Do you plan on adding bilingual competence to your resume.  Knowing Spanish would be very helpful.  I would like to to know some Spanish, as well.  Maybe I should take a class.  What do you think?


It’s 6:54 AM and I’m sitting at the computer.  Mom is drinking coffee and reading the paper as she makes Anne and I scrambled eggs and pancakes with real maple syrup.  Just kidding, she’s snoring, but of course she doesn’t snore.  Sorry I must have drifted off myself for a moment.


Hopefully you are having good weather, the bugs aren’t too bad and your sandles are in one piece.  I could send some super glue with you, but of course they would assume that you would be sniffing or inhaling it so that would be contraband.  By the way don’t ever get into that.  It may be cool, but it causes major brain damage.  Watch some of those shows on Central American street children; it’s terrible.


Don’t forget to send a quick note to Grandma Lilly. 


See you very soon, buckaroo!



